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Jennifer Newsom Ignores Meghan Markle and Blocks Her Face Live on TV at LA Fire Sites

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry made a rare public appearance at the Pasadena Convention Center, where they were handing out food to survivor...

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry made a rare public appearance at the Pasadena Convention Center, where they were handing out food to survivors of the recent wildfires. But, unsurprisingly, the spotlight was not on them. Instead, it was California Governor Gavin Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Newsom, who became the star of the show.

You would think that when a couple of royals show up at a charity event, the cameras would be all over them, right? Well, not quite. Fox LA’s Susan Hirasuna barely acknowledged Meghan, even referring to her as "Princess Markle" and making a point of implying she was mingling with “commoners.” To add insult to injury, Meghan was expertly cropped out of camera shots, as though she were an uninvited extra in a high-budget film. A coincidence? Unlikely.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Newsom worked the room like a pro. Gloves on, visibly sweating as she took charge, while Meghan appeared to be auditioning for a Lifetime movie about royal heartbreak—mask on her face, hands barely touching the food, and her iconic, messy hair dangerously close to the dishes. Poor Harry? He was relegated to the background, aimlessly wandering like a lost puppy. Someone get the man a map, or at least a purpose.

But here’s where it gets juicy. Jennifer, with her effortless charm and actual hands-on work, completely stole the show. She spoke passionately about community unity and California’s resilience, clearly making it clear that she wasn’t about to share her spotlight with a couple of opportunists. 

Meghan, ever the strategist, tried to position herself next to Jennifer, likely hoping for some photo ops, but Jennifer’s vibe said “Not today.”

Fox LA, ever the cheeky outlet, seemed to lean into the drama. Two different camera angles were used, and in both, Meghan was snubbed. Coincidence, or was there a producer with a sense of humor at work? Either way, it was pure gold. It was almost as though Meghan got exactly what she asked for—privacy—while Jennifer took center stage. 

Fox LA deserves major props for their subtle trolling. They hyped up Meghan and Harry in the intro, only to cut to Jennifer doing the actual work. Talk about throwing some shade with style! Even the anchors quickly moved from royal gossip to real discussions about community resilience, signaling how out of place Meghan’s usual PR tactics seemed. 

Her playbook is predictable—find a VIP, cozy up, and hope the cameras follow—but this time, it spectacularly backfired.

Jennifer Newsom wasn’t interested in Meghan’s game, and neither were the producers. The internet had a field day, with comments ranging from “Jennifer is the real MVP” to “Meghan should stay home and donate instead of loitering for clout.” Ouch, but fair.

Even Harry wasn’t spared from the criticism, with many questioning his relevance at these events. So, what did we learn from this fiasco? First, Jennifer Newsom is a queen in her own right. Second, Meghan and Harry might need to rethink their PR strategies. 

And third, live TV can be brutal—it only takes one moment for you to go from being royal to just another blurry background figure in someone else’s moment. Better luck next time, Meghan and Harry—maybe just stay home.


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